Vision of KCM
Creating A Kingdom Culture To Impact The World
Mission Statement
To effectively carry out the mandate of Jesus Christ to every creature impacting the Kingdoms of this world Mark 16:15; He said to them are to go to all the world and preach the Good News to every person.
Vision of KCM (vision – keen insight; ideas; plans; mental image)
As we proclaim Jesus, the Christ, as head of the church and the manifested Word of God, our
goal is to teach the Word of God with simplicity and understanding so that it may be applied to
our everyday lives in a practical and effective manner, thereby being transformed into a people
who changes the world; changing our immediate world and all those with whom we come into
contact, ultimately making a mark that cannot be erased.
Mission Statement (mission – calling; purpose; special task)
Our unified mission is to impact the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ and equip the family
for ministry in which God has enabled us as stated in Hebrews 13:20, 21. We will achieve
success with intense work, uninhibited worship, and participation from people of all races,
creeds, and nationalities
Purpose (purpose – aim; intention; something one strives for)
The purpose of the Kingdom Come Ministries shall be the salvation of sinners, sanctification of
believers, growth and perfection of the saints, preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and
redemptive service to the community and its people.
Motto (motto – a short expression of a guiding principle)
A 21st century global agenda educating, equipping, & empowering for excellence.
Biblical Beliefs
The Bible is the inspired and only infallible and authorized written Word of God.
There is one God, eternally existent in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, God the
Holy Spirit.
The deity of our Lord Jesus Christ. In His virgin birth, In His sinless life, In His miracles, In His
vicarious atoning death, In His bodily resurrection, In His ascension to the right hand of the
Father, In His personal return to this earth in power and glory.
The Blessed Hope, the rapture of the church at Christ’s coming.
The only means of being cleansed from sin is through repentance and faith in the precious
blood of Christ.
Regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential for personal salvation.